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Ponduru, a spinning and weaving town in Srikakulam cluster in Andhra Pradesh, prides itself in being a hub for high quality hand spun (Ambar charkha) cotton yarn and fabric. Ponduru sarees are completely handmade from start to finish. Every step in the process is done manually, from combing and separating cotton from the bolls with a fish jaw bone, to hand spinning yarns, to weaving on hand looms. The natural dyes in Ponduru sarees are derived from pomegranate rind, indigo, madder, and their combinations, to obtain other classic hues. Borders are woven in the interlocking technique, locally known as “Kuppadam.” Weavers in Ponduru invest a great amount of time and labour in weaving these six yard wonders. 


Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) claims an exclusive right over the use of the trademark 'Khadi.’ Hence, we refer to our authentic Ponduru sourced sarees as ‘hand spun.’



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